Thursday, September 4, 2008


The very first Bubble Boy was John Travolta. Then that dude from Seinfeld. The latest incarnation is Mike Francesa. He is oblivious to the world outside of him. I am really talking about the radio world and his place in it. Even though the bubble is clear, he can't see through it. If he did, he would realize that if he doesn't change, then he is done.
In the first segment, he brought up how if Belichek and Brady won the Super Bowl last year, they would never have to do anything again. He said the same thing about Eli after he won the Super Bowl. Something about how Eli doesn't have to win another game in this city. He's earned his place among the immortals. The parallel here is that Mike sees himself in the same vein. He thinks that he's earned that place and really doesn't have to do anything. It's like he thinks that's the way to live life - Achieve something and then rest on your laurels. That's a sure recipe for failure, Mikey. You're running the picket fence. But you got caught watching the paint dry.


Anonymous said...

That's exactly how he's conducting his show right now. He'll find out soon enough...

By the way, I first thought the title of this post was "Bubble Butt" and I reverted back to 3rd grade and laughed uncontrollably.

Anonymous said...

Yes, in Giants Stadium, Opening Night, a night to celebrate last year's grand achievement, Mike's first guest? An enemy to the Giants who took a superbowl away from them. Brilliant.

gman26 said...

bigjf - also, he leads off Billick talking about Toomer's criticism of Jim Fassell in the Super Bowl. Umm. Mike. Do you happen to remember that Fassell and Billick are fishing buddies? That Billick hired Fassell after he floundered around?

Anonymous said...

One more point, further proof to how Mike doesn't even put a thought into his own show when he's not on...He "just realized today" that he needs to do the over/unders for the NFL. He scrambled to find two incompetents to go against and expects to coast through it. The world awaits with bated breath. How would we live if Mike didn't take on Sal and Eddie in over/under?

gman26 said...

Remember how they were fielding multiple calls from people wanting to do stuff with Mike? Where are those people?

Anonymous said...

gman26 - fine point, but I'm not actually listening to the content of the interview itself as I don't really care. In fact, I've changed the channel at the moment.

First Time, Long Time said...

off topic question here for anyone that has sirius...can you listen online to Russo's new channel? It appears as if his channel 123 is not avail thru internet listening (and yes, i have a password)...anyone know?

gman26 said...

I am listening to Chris Russo on XM 144.

Anonymous said...

Since it's a "preview" show, I was hoping there would be a free listen on the website, but I can't find anything. I thought that would have been a smart move on their part.

TheNextBestThing1 said...

How is the Dog sounding?

gman26 said...

I will be posting something soon. I am transcribing right now.

KBilly said...

Good to have Doggie back.
He already screwed up Pam Anderson's name...

KBilly said...

"Taking on the big dogs with one paw tied behind his back. It's Mad Dog Radio"

KBilly said...

New Stinks list:
KC Chiefs

KBilly said...

New Doggie Number: 866 522 2846

First Time, Long Time said...

The Chiefs have been added...