Christopher Russo appeared on the Howard Stern show on Sirius this morning and oh boy did we learn a few things. We learned that Russo had to buy the name "Mad Dog" from WFAN for $1. We learned that Russo still hasn't talked to Mike. We learned that Russo has a slight gambling issue, betting 25,000 on a game once. We learned that Russo has sex with his wife once a week. We learned that he will not curse on his Sirius show. We learned that he made 2 million dollars at WFAN plus another 500,000. We learned that it is not easy for Russo to curse. We learned in one short appearance, once again, that we cannot wait till Russo's radio show hits Sirius.
We learned that Doggie didn't get laid until college.
We learned that Dog has smoked pot, but never snorted cocaine.
Doggie's Desert Island classic movie is Place in the Sun with Montgomery Clift (who Doggie calls Cliff).
And he likes Shawshank Redemption too.
We learned that Dog had signed with Sirius before June 22.
WE learned that while Doggies sex life has declined since having 4 kids, they still find the time. And he won't deny that he masturbates.
Woah, and we learned that when Doggie masturbates, he thinks of Chris Berman???
We learned that Doggie tells his children about penis, but not clitoris.
We learned that when Dog met Bruce Springsteen, he hugged Bruce four times and had to be restrained by security and Murder Incorporated is a Bruce sone he doesn't like. He also doesn't love Darkness on the Edge of Town.
We learned that Dog has heard of Jimi Hendrix and Cream, but he isn't a rock & roll historian.
We need to get a clip of this! Anybody got one to share?!
Doggie screams: "Goddamnit Giants, what a game...What a fucking game!"
And regarding Air Force One: "Get off my goddamn plain."
We learned that Doggie doesn't use erectile disfunction medication, but he'd rather watch a game than bang his wife.
We learned that Doggie wants Mike on his show in six months and "that would be one hell of an interview, that's a tremendous question Howard."
Kbilly sotp spam posting you filthy monkey. Find a link to the audio clip douche bag
There are no audio clips and there won't be any links. Howard protects his show and won't let any podcasts out. It is pay radio, so if you want to hear it, you have to buy it. I have Sirius, so I was passing along the highlights. Was a strange interview to say the least.
We have learned that Mike and Chris hate each others guts....who the hell didnt know that? And as a far fatso going on Russo's show he d probably decline cuz he is thinks he is to big of a star when i all actuality hes just big..
Thanks a lot for the highlights, although it is almost like torture to not know exactly how it went down and not be able to hear it.
Could you possibly if you have a chance write up an overall summary of the show? How long was he on? What was the general vibe? What was Howard's strategy, and what was Chris response? etc.
That would be awesome but either way thanks for the highlights!
Not available online to hear is reason 1 through 999,999 that XM Sirius seriously blows, and why Howard Stern is completely irrelevant by now. Did you hear their stock went under a dollar today? Well it did, and that company is about to do the FAIL dance about how they are too important to go under...if they get a govt bailout, all i want is a free subscription to Mad Dog...But learning that Dog had his contact back in June proves that he was an effin phoney all along, and he knew all along he was out, and just put on that sickening song and dance all summer (be honest, he was HORRIBLE by himself), and I honestly hope he effin bombs and fails for that. We are going to learn eventually that the real scumbag in all of this was the D-O-G.
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