Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Neil Best, god bless him. He's got a story and he's sticking to it. The funny thing is about Mr Best is that he at times offers contradictions within his own stories. I'm not Jon Heyman or anything but I don't believe that's great reporting. But please cut Mr Best some slack because he seems to be spending an inordinate amount of time watching that hilarious sitcom on TBS called My Boys, which he blogs about and takes up actual newspaper space about. Oh, that show is so funny that despite never watching it I can tell that the female sportswriter with all guy friends has got to be a gut busting good time. I mean TBS is known for great original comedy, like...

Here is the latest from Mr Best and his Tuesday Newsday column. See if you can spot the contradiction hidden within the non reporting.

Mike, Dog together again Mike Francesa and Chris Russo are scheduled to reunite today at Giants camp, the first time the WFAN co-hosts have worked together since July 15.The near future of the partnership remains uncertain. Multiple industry sources have said Russo has been in serious discussions with Sirius Satellite Radio for weeks.In order to sign with Sirius, though, Russo would have to get out of his WFAN deal, which runs through October 2009 and has a non-compete clause. Operations manager Mark Chernoff declined to comment.

IF YOU GUESSED: Contract thru 2009 and NON COMPETE CLAUSE... YOU ARE CORRECT. You are the winner of the season 1 DVD of My Boys. Enjoy.

Mr Best, outside of the contract, which is a major issue, the non compete clause is a much larger and significant one. We didn't see Dan Patrick on tv for a few years because of this same clause with ESPN. Russo is not Howard Stern. Is Sirius going to spend millions of dollars to buy him out of his contract along with somehow giving extra money to deal with the non compete issue?

Neil, unless you got something to say on this story, let's pipe down. In other words...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't see dog on Sirius fielding calls to a national audience..

it would be funny though..."Bob from Birmingham" calls and wants to talk about the Crimson Tide...what is Dog gonna do


if sirius really wanted dog for some reason, they could easily buy out wfan.