Tuesday, August 12, 2008


as Ray again... That was a lot of fun...Here is the Video (forgive me for cutting his ending rant a bit cause he went on forever)


Anonymous said...

rip Fatso apart..... tell him to admit he was wrong for once!!!

gman26 said...

when you back a wounded dog into a corner, it will bite back. that's Francesa.

KBilly said...

Can't wait for the video...

Anonymous said...

he called you Steve... LOL!

Anonymous said...

great job FTLT - you held his feet to the fire and made him admit he was wrong!! AWESOME!!!

KBilly said...

John Hayman coming up...

BiggieSmalls said...

less than ONE HOUR spent on the YANKEE Collapse.. what an awful performance.

Whatdoyouhave? said...

You see Mikey, I can deal with the vacations, and the diet cokes, and the accent. I don't want money, and I don't want medals. What I do want is for you to sit there in that faggoty fake tan and with your Long Island mouth extend me some f'ing courtesy. You gotta admit Tampuh is up by 9 games.

Peteski said...

Tremendous job! He's still holding on to "you can't take them serious (until october 1)" but props for trying.

Anonymous said...

Tampa is actually up 10 games in the loss column...and you can't make up losses.

First Time, Long Time said...

I was very surprised at the amount of time that Mike gave me...

KBilly said...

Did Phelps run over Mike's dog or something?

Peteski said...


newsflash: 300lb slob doesn't like swimming.

Whatdoyouhave? said...

Mike from Montclair on the hotline again and getting 13 minutes on NBA v Olympics. It's all because he sneaks in lines like he just did with "You're the premiere talk-radio host in this country and you don't watch an NBA regular season game."

KBilly said...

Mike said that if Phelps were a racehorse, they would weigh him down. Secretariat wasn't weighed down. I thought Fatso "grew up 100 feet from the beach." He should love swimming. Phelps might break a 30 year old Olympic record, Mike should be praising him. Who cares if Phelps is sponsored? His earnings windoe closes in a couple of weeks. Maybe he can write a book, but at 23 he should be cashing in on his 15 minutes.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome, "Ray." Well done! Very satisfying to see Mike actually admit he was wrong, even though he tried to pad it by claiming how right he normally is...He almost had you at one point, but you did a helluva job in taking him down a peg, briefly.

KBilly said...

Experiencing sea sickness. Next time invest in a tripod for the cam.

First Time, Long Time said...

kbilly...take a dramamine.

Anonymous said...

That was actually a pretty rational conversation. Love when you called him on the Red Sox, i.e. if they can't catch the Rays and aren't as good as the Sox, well. . .

Great job.

Anonymous said...

Awesome call, "Ray"! I wonder if the screener got the Jim Stare for letting you through, knowing you were going to confront him about Tampa.

P.S. That endless Mike from Montclair spot around 2:00 made me think it was Francesa who was a guest on M from M's show. I was waiting to hear, "Here's Mink with the update, and we'll be right back with Mike from Montclair."

First Time, Long Time said...

PDBI...i hear ya..today was essentially the Mike from Montclair and Phil Simms show with an appearance by Ray from Tampa...

Sully said...

You're kind of a douche. Do you call the FAN every day?

First Time, Long Time said...

Sully...I mean Roe..welcome aboard.

Anonymous said...

funny, as i heard this live, i was like... this sounds like a m&mb reader or admin lol. good job.

Anonymous said...

To Mr. "Fat"cesa,,its official...I wish you out to the cornfield!!!!!! "The Shoe" made me do it...HIT MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!