Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Mike'd Off
Christopher Russo.
Initially, we would like to say that we succeeded in doing so. One commenter at a time, we slowly built up this blog and even garnered some legitimate recognition across the web-o-sphere. We received a plug for the blog on air with Chris Russo. We got an exclusive interview with Neil Best when rumors of the break-up dominated talk. We had Mike and Chris breakdown Wilt's 100 point point game and last year's American Idol Finale. We had the Babe Ruth of body language experts analyze one of Mike and Chris' heated arguments over the bathrooms at the old Yankee Stadium. We turned to our good friend Colonel Nathan Jessep from time to time to make sense of the Mike and the Mad Dog landscape. There was the infamous and the Bucket List. We persevered through the end of the Mike and the Mad Dog era. We suffered with everyone through the start-up of the Mike'd Up era. We're still not sure what the new bells and whistles are, or whom the talent is. We tried our best to follow Doggie on a National level. As boring and bitter as Mike Francesa has been post break-up, Dog has been every bit as irrelevant, often trying too hard to cover too many events.
We invited a few new commenters to contribute as life got in the way for us. In short, it's been a memorable and interesting journey. But all good things must come to an end. For us, the writing has been on the wall for the past few months. This blog has become something less than what we once created. And because of that, we feel it is time to shut down. Kbilly and
Awesome Sean, thanks for writing fresh material but it's time to take back the keys to the car. And since we are still tied up with life, we are going to be shutting down the site for good.
We would like to thank everyone who has visited this blog and has enjoyed the insight we have provided. Consider this a farewell post. We'll leave the comments section open for the day and then we will be shutting it down.
First Time, Long Time & GMan26
Monday, August 31, 2009
NY baseball is like the McDLT

Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Your Anus
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Joba Chamberlain - A Daring Fellow
- Staked to a 4-0 lead (can't pitch to score)
- Too many pitches, not enough strikes (100 pitches of fun)
- Too many base runners (12 base runners in 4.0 innings; thats a 3.0 WHIP folks!!!)
- Doesn't switch hit like Bernie Williams
- Bets exactas (sucker bets, folks)
Oh Joba, do yourself a favor tomorrow and keep it tuned to 1050. I'm sure Michael Kay and SP40 will have plenty of glowing things to say about your performance. Keep it off the FAN though. Mike is coming for you.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Joe Morgan - Still Dumb
Matsui just turned Beckett into Trachsel. Awful.
In Summary....
So, whatever. 10 games under and everyone should be put on waivers.
For Big MiKe tomorrow he can talk about the Mets "luck.". Plus, the series in Boston. Weird so far, no?
For me, I'll take Beckett to keep those Yankee bats asleep. I guess he's -6 1/2 or so but I have yet to check.
Sunday Funday boys.
PS - KBilly, we just effing with you and your horrible taste in music. Chill out.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Touch of Gray
Will we see "Kinda Bald" or "Slight Paunch" soon?
Happy Saturday M and MB readers.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Complain about Suzyn Waldman's balls and she'll show you!
I literally did a double-take at my bathroom radio (always on) and ended up hitting the floor with my stream. Then I thought for a second and figured out what she meant...AND then I laughed my ass off.
A zillion thoughts ran through my head. Does Suzyn have balls? Is she willing to show them? Are Suzyn's bigger than Sterling's? Is Suzyn actually Loki's secret, long sought after, taco? The possibilities are endless with a quote like this.
Somebody please tell me they heard it and/or recorded the radio broadcast. It was said in the top of the 4th inning with no outs between 8:12 and 8:15 pm.
Let's face it...the Mets stink!
This being Friday, Mike will dedicate a little time to NFL. Texiera or Jetah for MVP will get some play too. Yanks are 31 games over .500. And, sadly, the Mets will get some time. No real reason though, they belong on the Stinks List.
Friday's Over/Under: Tom Brady getting hit hard - 5 mins; Brady being fine for 2009 5 mins 1 second; OchoCinco's game winning XP - 8 mins; Peyton being fine for 2009 8 mins 2 seconds; Mike calls Chad OchoCinco, Chad Johnson on first reference - 2-1; Mike laughs at the name OchoCinco - 1-1; U of Florida being 73 point favorites over Charleston Southern - 980,000-1.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
New topic du jour...
In a stunning move, former Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress pleaded guilty today to attempted criminal possession of a weapon and agreed to spend two years behind bars.
So get ready for Mike's thoughts on gun control, mandatory minimum sentencing, judicial treatment of athletes, how this compares to the Vick and Stalworth situations, Goodell's suspension policy, Where, or if, Plax will ever play again.
Baseball Discussions to Round out the 2009 Regular Season
Now, I know this board isn't especially fond of stats so I won't bore you with the actual numerical breakdowns between the top 3 (my top 3, anyway) AL candidates. Any posted stats I'm sure will be drowned out by recounting of the flip play or the face-first-in-the-seat-while-Nomar-cried-on-the-bench-play. Instead, I'll just say that the writers often get these awards wrong anyway. This year, I suspect will be no different. I mean, if they get it wrong (Tex or The Jeter), we won't be surprised and if they get it right (Mauer) it will not be because of far and away superior offensive production but because he's a good kid, with a lot talent, surrounded by less than stellar talent. The bottom line is that in nearly every important statistical category Mauer dwarfs both NYY.
The more compelling discussion might be the Cy Young. Who are we thinking? There is no run away winner this year, right? Maybe we should give it to Wang as like a lifetime achievement award. I think I heard on the radio once that he won 19 games, 2 years in a row!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fans, Fans, Fans; Good Fans, Bad Fans and Electric Fans
Look, we're lucky as NY sports fans. We have 5 pro teams to root for in 3 different sports (sorry Buffalo and sorry hockey). If you don't like baseball, there's football or basketball. Don't like football? Try baseball, etc. We're not limited to deciding between the Hawkeyes or the Cyclones. We have choices. Good choices too. Time and again, however, some idiot calls into the station and professes their love for the Cowboys, the Raiders, the ChicagoeffingCubs for f*cksake. I mean, c'mon, dude, you're from NY, you've never even been to Dallas or worn cowboy boots! What is your major malfunction?
Seriously, I cannot stand people that root for teams outside of their state/region. If I were on one of these shows and someone called in to say, "Hey, I'm a huuuuuuuuuuge Vikings fan! RIP Korey Stringer!!!" I'd berate them for selecting a team in a state they can't even find on a map. Then, I'd hang up on them.
So, anyone out there fall into this category? Loki, are you a closet Chicago Bulls fan? JD, do you have a Romo jersey? Let's hear it and let's hear who we call think are the WORST of these types of fans.
Friday, August 14, 2009
I got F'king octopuss coming out my F'king ears Mang.
This is how I feel about the Mike Vick situation. Two-and-a-half years of this debate for a guy who went from the boardroom to the mailroom, taking a backup job at 1/13th of his previous salary after serving almost 3 years in the can.
Evan is on a soapbox over this indignity to humanity. He claims that if he were ever arrested, WFAN would never welcome him back. What he forgets is that some other station would, for the overnight shift.
I'm not a fan of Mr. Vick, and I lost some serious $$$ on him in the National Championship game against FSU, but he's a football player and he's been cleared to play after six weeks, so get over it.
This has caused me to turn off sports talk for the remainder of the day and watch Scarface.
Sosa needs to send a hit squad into the WFAN studios ASAP.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Eli, Tiger and Cano...Maybe some Pedro
Here are my Over/Unders: Replacing Plaxico - 8 1/2; D-Line rotation/depth - 6 1/2; Ernie Accorsi name drops - OTB; Replacing Derrick Ward - 2 1/2; Eagles revamped offense - 1 1/2
Also sure to highlight the show is Tiger at the PGA Championship, where he is currently tied for 5th at 2 under par through 10 holes, as is Padraig Harrington. Lefty doesn't tee off until about 3:00, so he'll be watched in the second half of the show.
Even though he's at Giants camp, Mike will have to dedicate some time to Robbie Cano's extra-inning game winning hit last night and Pedro's 5 innings of 3 run ball in a Phils win.
But it will be a football-dominated show today. Even though I'll only catch the first hour, knowing NFL is right around the corner is a godsend for us Mets fans who also happen to be Giants fans.
UPDATE: After learning Ernie Accorsi is at Giants camp today, the O/U on Ernie Accorsi name drops has been pulled off the board.
Monday, August 10, 2009
First Time in a Long Time
So Mikey finds himself in quite the conundrum today. This year has been a very strange Yankee season for Francesa. He has gone against everything he has always stood for. In years past if the Bombers got off to a listless start, as they did this season, invetitably Mike would field Yankee panic calls throughout April and May.. And in typical Francesa fashion, Mike would tee off on those calls "It's April!!!!, Talk to me in August!!" In short, Mike would never press the panic button. Doing so would be likening himself to the common folk, the Mike from Montclairs, the Bruce from Baysides. Instead, Mike would draw a line in the sand and he would always be on the "It's the Yankees, they will turn it around and make the playoffs" side.
However, this year has been a complete reversal. For whatever reason (leftover Torre bitterness, the absence of Russo to mock him), Mike took a completely different approach this season. Throughout April and May, Francesa continuously buried the Yankees. He told us of how they had no heart, that Arod's return wasn't going to help this team, that they didn't play with grit, that their bullpen was a mess, that Joba belonged in the pen, that Hughes was a joke, that Melky was not a starter, that Gardner would never hit in the big leagues, that he was against the Burnett signing, that Sabathia was not in Santana's class, that Girardi was coaching himself out of the Bronx. And to add insult to Yankees fans injury, Mike then jumped on the Red Sox bandwagon and has marveled all season at the names Beckett, Youkillis, Pedroia, Lester and those minor leaguers that they call up and throw in the '90s. Sure, he has gotten his customary "Theo wanted no part of the Lowell/Beckett trade" comments in, but for the most part, WFAN from 1-6:30 has become WEEI.
In years past, Mike would clamor for the Yankees to go after every big player available ("the kid McCluth from Pittsburgh", Marte, "Heath Bell could set up for Mariano" and so on and so on.) But this year when the big fish, Halladay was available, Mike wanted no part. All of a sudden, Francesa was pining for parity.
And a funny thing started to happen throughout this tumultous time. The Yankees defied Francesa. They started winning and haven't stopped. Meanwhile, the Sox all of a sudden look like the team that resides in Flushing. And in a weird way, The Yankees shocking sweep of Boston is exactly what Mike did NOT want. He wanted to sing the praises of Youk and Beckett and lament the sad state of the Yankees when it comes to winning big games. He has been on that train all season long and now that it has derailed in the most horrific way imaginable, how will Mike respond? What will his take be? Surely he will say that we haven't seen the last of Boston yet. It's been a "bizarre" year for sure. It's Mike move now and it's going to be fascninating to watch...
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Big Papi has a bridge he'd like to sell you...
David Ortiz says he only took supplements and vitamins. Didn't Palmero blame his positive test on a Vitamin B-12 injection? Additionally, all the over the counter supplements are basically amino acids and I learned in high school that amino acids become protein, which become muscle mass, which become home runs.
From Wikipedia:
Anabolic steroids, or anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), are a class of steroid hormones related to the hormone testosterone. They increase protein synthesis within cells, which results in the buildup of cellular tissue (anabolism), especially in muscles.
So Big Papi, who said on the record that steroid users should get a one-year ban hasn't missed a game since it became known that he was a steroid user. He isn't giving back any money. And he sure as all hell isn't giving back any of his World Series rings.
And now the Red Sawks are taking a Mets-like dive in the standings. Karma's a bitch, Papi. A-Rod at least came (kind of) clean and took a month off. How's that working for him?
Friday, August 7, 2009
Now, Real Baseball Begins
What I want to know is, if Youk had taken a HR away last night with a dazzling defensive play, would Mike proclaim him to be the best player ever? Would he have been fanning himself with a hot dog wrapper because it made him hot?
I heard Tim McCarver on M & M this AM. In "analyzing" the NL playoff teams he mentioned that the best thing the 2009 Phillies have going for them is that they won the World Series in 2008. Not Cliff Lee, not Hamels, not the 4 monsters in the middle of the line-up. No, none of that. Best thing is that the 2008 Phillies are the reigning world champs. Better analysis could be gotten from Tim Russo.
Happy Friday boys. Weather is perfect for good baseball. Enjoy.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tim McCarver on Mad Dog Unleashed
I like Tim McCarver as a MLB analyst, BUT the best quote about Tim McCarver I ever heard was from Cardinals pitcher Bob Gibson: "The only thing Tim McCarver knows about pitching is that he can't hit it."
Ouch, that's a smack to the face...From probably the best pitcher of the 20th Century. MLB changed the rules because Gibson was so dominant.
I plan to call in later today to point this out. KD From Manhattan.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Dog: Giants overpaid for Eli Manning
What Dog doesn't get is: inflation. In three years Eli won't be in the top 10 highest paid players in the NFL, especially if the NFL goes uncapped.
Apparently Bart Starr is the standard benchmark to which all NFL QBs should be held.
On a related note, would someone give me $97.5 million (35.5 million guaranteed)???
Requiem for a Team
Good for the Yanks to get a win against the always tough Roy Halladay. They're now assured to go into the Boston series in first place. I'll still be rooting against them but they seem primed to make a big time run this year. By the way, there is no chance at all that Joba gets "shut down." They might reduce the workload a tad but that boy will be out there every 5th day from now until the Yankees' season ends.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Since I can't deal with that Cars 4 Kids commercial, you know where I'll be. I swear that this weekend I was sleeping with the radio on and at 4 am that stupid jingle woke me up like a 21 gun salute was in my bedroom.
So, since we pretty much know where we all stand on Mets/Yanks fandom. Let's take a poll to figure out where we stand on Giants/Jets. I am firmly on the Giants side of the fence, and I'd bet that Gman26 is as well. But I root for the Jets, as long as their interests don't conflict with my interests. Let's get the party started.
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Sissification of NY Sports Fans and Omar's Slumber
Now, I was listening to Richard Neer this morning (cure for insomnia) and all I heard all morning was a repeat of the following:
- Tiger throws his clubs. I can't watch him. Boo hoo. My kids, bad example, etc.
- Big Papi, boo hoo, steroids, boo hoo, media ripped Alex, boo hoo
I am so glad the rest of the country can't see and hear what a bunch of sissies NY area sports fans have turned out to be. It's a GD embarrassment.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
REALITY CHECK(for the MMB mothafuckas)
Tonight was a great lesson in that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
As I was preparing to clean the dishes, I decided to spin some vinyl(Loki, that is a record, in case you don't know). So being the sort of current lad that I am, I pulled my favorite MJ album...Off the Wall, of course. I had barely played Can't Stop til you Get Enough when my wife pleaded for Thriller. I admitted that I also owned Thriller on vinyl. But I remembered that my daughter was going with my mother to Mamma Mia this weekend in the Queen City. So I pulled The Magic of Abba on vinyl(stay with us Loki). I put on Dancing Queen. Any reader of this blog who defames either the Boss or Hippie music will admit that the aforementioned ABBA song is a classic. Fuck. ABBA outsold the Beatles for Chrissakes.
I couldn't get through Dancing Queen before my wife repeated her cry for Thriller. At this time, my son said, "Michael Jackson? You mean Michael Phelps?". So I threw on the record(sic) of Thriller. Then, a light bulb went off in my head. What is Thriller w/o the video? So I grabbed a laptop, punched up Thriller on youtube and hooked it up to the 46' Sony Bravia using a VGA connector. As my kids watched Thriller, then Beat It, then Eat It(Loki - Weird Al Yankovic made a bunch of parodies of 80's videos. Some say Eat It is his finest. After watching it 18 years later, I concur.), I realized a few things:
1) Michael Jackson wouldn't have been half as popular w/o his videos.
2) I appreciated the idea of transitioning from vinyl to internet. Why is it a generation gap? We can appreciate both. Right?
3) MJ was quite talented. My wife is not from this country, which means she loves MJ w/o all the pretense. His relationship with Americans is tricky at best. But watching his old videos, you can't deny his talent. His originality. He lost me after Thriller, but that's neither here nor there. He was a great entertainer. And along with Sports, that's what we Americans do best. That and growing wheat and cows.
I was inspired to post, not because of Mike nor Chris(both as stale as bags of rotten Fritos) but because there had been some cross-generational debate on this site, which included music. I don't like Bruce, but I respect him(speaking of which, there is a great story which illustrates this point. Rolling Stone spoke to Prince back in the day and he talked about how he was backstage for a Bruce show and remembered when a band member missed a note and Bruce shot a look at that person in disgust. Prince appreciated that.) I prefer lots of bands that no one here knows(Brian Jonestown Massacre, Deerhunter, Slant 6, Les Thugs, etc), but I appreciate when a lot of other people appreciate someone. Like Bruce. Or the Spin Doctors. Or Live. Even when it's against my instincts. And after having seen my kids marvel at MJ, through vinyl and the internet, you have to realize that a lot of things transcend time. You may not like it, but you have to semi-respect it. And isn't that we have done on this site?
Man Rammer and Big Sloppy on "The List"
I think we all knew Manny was juicing all along and after his failed test for female fertility drugs typically used to follow a juicing cycle, that was pretty much confirmed. But Ortiz had been adament that he was clean and been a staunch supporter of stiff penalties for player who test positive. So let me share some quotes from Ortiz on the subject.
"You can test me, All you gonna find is rice and beans"
"I think you clean up the game by the testing," Ortiz said. "I test you, you test positive, you're going to be out. Serious. I know that if I test positive for using any kind of substance, I know that I'm going to disrespect my family, the game, the fans, and everybody. I don't want to be facing that situation, so what I will do, I won't use."
And before today's game against the Oakland A's (where all this steroid stuff began in the first place), Ortiz had this to say: "I'm not talking about that anymore. I have no comment
And then Ortiz hits a 3 run, go-ahead homer..
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Pete Fornatale's Woodstock top 5
1 The Who
2 Jimi Hendrix
3 Sly & The Family Stone
4 Joe Cocker
5 Santana
Tough to argue since it is personal taste and this is a neverending type debate...BUT No CSN? That's crap. If you don't get goosebumps from this, you have no taste in music. I'm talking to you Loki. And Sha Na Na needs some love too...I would bump The Who for CSN. I think they stole the show.
Dog seems shocked that there was recreational drug use at Woodstock - on behalf of the entertainers AND the audience! Stop the presses. New headline: Hippies smoked pot and tripped on LSD 40 years ago at Woodstock!
ps: I have a buddy with a Cocker Spaniel pooch and he named her "Joe" just so he could say he had a "Joe Cocker Spaniel"
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Who kidnapped Mike?
I thought Mike just had a week off this month. So for those of you cheap bastids that refuse to shell out $150 a year for (almost) commercial-free radio, enjoy the punk kid who thinks he knows stuff but really isn't old enough to sit at the adult table for Thanksgiving...As opposed to the curmudgen who sits at the head of the table and demands the turkey leg and choicest white meat cuts.
I get a feeling that Dog is going to be on a Woodstock kick today. 40th anniversary coming up and he's reading Pete Fornatale's book on the subject. Of course, Dog has never even seen the Woodstock movie, but in his defense, it was released after 1965 so why would he bother...?
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Bore that is Bernazard
This is just another sign of the dysfunction that is the NYM. Not the 2009 NYM, specifically, the entire franchise, all-time. What a horribly run franchise. Never, and I mean never, do they make the right move. Personally, I think this ridiculous story (and it is ridiculous; I mean, who cares what a minor league exec says or does to a bunch of also rans in Binghampton) and the ridiculous trade rumor for Halladay are simply smoke screens originated from the Wilpons to keep the attention of the horrible team trotting out there daily. It's political and it's bad form.
Turn on either of the sport stations and within virtually every segment some idiot, caller or host, is calling for Bernazard's head. Why? Why this outrage? Who cares? You think the Mets have 52 HR's for the year because of Tony Bernazard? Think Ollie is walking 7/9 innings because of TB? Think you put TB in the NYY system that ARod and Tex will stop hitting 4 HR's per game? No way. Leave Bernazard alone and let's put the blame where it belongs: Players, GM and manager, in that order.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Joe Posnanski: My Top 100 Players
1. Albert Pujols
KBilly thinks this is a no-brainer.
2. Joe Mauer
Um, no.
3. Hanley Ramirez
Not quite.
4. Zack Greinke
No freaking way.
5. Chase Utley
Hard to argue. But, as a Mets fan, I still hate him. I think Rollins is better all around.
6. Alex Rodriguez
Roids, enuff said.
7. Tim Lincecum
A little too high for a kid having only his second good year.
9. Johan Santana
He's great but doesn't go deep enough and doesn't turn it on until July.
10. Roy Halladay
Are you kidding? He's the best starter in MLB (slight edge because of his complete games).
11. Prince Fielder
I think Ryan Howard gets the slight edge here.
Click the link and add further comments.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Talk Show Host - Mad Dog Radio
About the Job
Company Overview: SIRIUS XM Radio is America's satellite radio company delivering The Best Radio on Radio TM to more than 18 million subscribers, including commercial free music, and premier sports, news, talk, entertainment, traffic and weather. SIRIUS XM Radio has content relationships with an array of personalities and artists, including Howard Stern, Martha Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, Jimmy Buffett, Elvis, Jamie Foxx, Barbara Walters, Frank Sinatra, Opie & Anthony, The Grateful Dead, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Tom Petty, and Bob Edwards. SIRIUS XM Radio is the leader in sports programming as the Official Satellite Radio Partner of the NFL, Major League Baseball, NASCAR, NBA, NHL, and PGA TOUR, and broadcasts major college sports. SIRIUS XM Radio has arrangements with every major automaker. SIRIUS XM Radio products are available at and, and at retail locations nationwide, including Best Buy, RadioShack, Target, Sam's Club, and Wal-Mart. SIRIUS XM Radio also offers SIRIUS Backseat TV, the first ever live in-vehicle rear seat entertainment featuring Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and Cartoon Network; XM NavTraffic® service for GPS navigation systems delivers real-time traffic information, including accidents and road construction, for more than 80 North American markets. Position Description: Position Summary: Prepare and host daily talk program for MAD DOG RADIO Duties and Responsibilities:
Prepare and execute talk program on a daily basis
Present topics in an entertaining way; with passion and opinion
Preparation to perform program with or without guests and callers
Work with Senior Director, Sports Programming to design overall sound and image of program
Do research necessary to conduct interviews and present topics effectively
Performs other duties as assignedMinimum Educational Qualifications:
BS/BA Degree and/or equivalent combination of education and experience preferredMinimum Years of Relevant Experience:
Minimum five to ten years experience as major market talk show hostRequirements and General Skills:
Thorough knowledge of MLB culture, MLB players and PR contacts.
Ability to prepare and execute entertaining program on a daily basis
Ability to work on a team and be flexible as opportunities arise
Good public speaking skills
Interpersonal skills and ability to interact and work with staff at all levels
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Ability to work independently and in a team environment
Ability to pay attention to details and be organized
Ability to project a professional image on the air, over the phone and in person
Ability to handle multiple tasks in a fast paced environment
Willingness to take initiative and to follow through on projects
Strong organizational skills and attention to details
Strong interest in current events and pop culture, as related to assigned channels / programs
Comfortable working with talent, artists and high profile individuals
Excellent time management skills, with the ability to prioritize and multi-task, and work under shifting deadlines in a fast paced environment
Must have legal right to work in the U.S.Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer M/F/V/D
Mets passed on Halliday???????????????????????
Screw the bat, this year is toast. To have the two best pitchers in all of baseball at the top of the rotation for the next five years - while simultaneously preventing Halliday from going to the top division rival - should be kind of paramount. F-Mart, a couple of mid-level pitchers and a SS that the Mets don't need for the BEST pitcher in baseball, one who rests the bullpen with his 44 complete games?
Why am I not a GM?
Omar, PLEASE get that deal done. Take on the Wells contract. Don't be myopic.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Mike wants Halliday on the Mets, NOT the Yanks
Also, the Mets aren't winning any more games this season, Carlos Beltran hates the team and the team hates Jose Reyes.
That's a lot for the big guy to spew in 45 minutes plus commercials.
Baba Booey to you all!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I'm bored, so let's start a debate
1. Clemens
2. Maddux
3. Unit
4. Mo
5. Pedro
If you want to throw Clemens out for his alleged steroid use, Glavine is on the outside looking in. Think I'm missing anyone? Sound off.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Pair of Aces
I don't even want to talk about Pelfrey last night. Tex rescued the Yanks.
Both Mike and Dog return Monday, so I guess the summer is over.
This post brought to you courtsey of Kars 4 Kids...Yes, I am a sell out. That song is just so catchy.
Friday, July 17, 2009
KBilly Gets Some Play
If you read the BTF thread you can see M & MB mentioned.
I'm ready for Mike to come back. I mean, I did prefer Mad Dog to Mike an always preferred Chris's Saturday solo show to Mike's NFL Now show (even though it was the NFL, c' mon) but Chris has lost his way. Or, never had it. Here is why I think Chris is doomed:
- Satellite radio is a luxury. Times are bad
- He knows very little about sports, including tennis
- He's not a fan of any teams, except the SFG
- He's compelling, not too dumb but still, nationally unmarketable
- He refuses to acknowledge legit stats
- His book(s) are laughably stupid
- He needs Mike
So, that's why I never subscribed. Take heart MD, a job awaits you in NY. No way you get as crushed as Kay is getting right now. That man probably lays off his pisspoor ratings on the fact that he's never there. Also, you'll never, ever be as creepy as Rich Cuttino (spelling?; I'm not looking it up) when he interviews Mets players. I just get this picture of him sliding his chair closer and making his voice a little a lower and inviting them for an after game drink at the Super 8 Motel. Creeptastic, he is.
You know things are going poorly for your team when:
- Julio Lugo might be your 3rd best player behind Frenchy
- The announcers are waxing poetic about Walter Cronkite (RIP) in the 3rd
Good weekend boys.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Back to baseball
Tom Watson is leading the British Open with a 5 under 65. Tiger is 6 back at 71. Vijay is 2 back at 67. Sergio is five back at 70. Padreig and Daly are still playing.
But I can't listen to Joe and Evan on WFAN or Gary Williams on Sirius.
For those of us that are Mets fans, they are hiring:
Fan Photos Staff Photographers
Amazin’ Fan Photo staff photographers take photos of fans (not coaches, players etc.) during games and events, which are then made available via for purchase.
We require our photographers to be here 2 hours prior to game time to shoot the pre-game crowds. We usually shoot until the 7th inning, after which you are free to watch the rest of the game in the standing room only sections.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
All-Star Game hit pool
You get together with at least 4 friends. Everyone puts $1 per batter in the kitty. Point man rotates clockwise. Every time there's a hit the point man takes the pot. No hit and it rolls over to the next person in the rotation, and everybody re-antes up.
I hope that makes sense, but it is pretty simple if you think about it.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Worst Sports Week of the Year?
Answer: The day before and the day after the MLB All-Star Game.
Maybe you consider tonight's Home Run Derby a sporting event. But then again maybe you consider the Second Ammendment a privlege and not a Constitutional Right (Sorry, gman26).
So that leaves Mike aboslutely nothing to talk about until Friday. Dog, wisely, took the week off after last week's meltdown.
Mike has some fodder for today, Yanks getting swept by the Los Angeles Angels of Ananheim Sounthern California, United States but catering to the Mexican market by pretending that Ananheim isn't over an hours drive from L.A....and the Mets winning two of three from the Small Red Machine, including back-to-back HRs and the Apple failing to recognize either until after the inning was over.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Swoon?
Personally, I don't think this Anaheim team is very good at all. I put them on the same level as Minny, without the star power.
So, looks like Gatti was murdered by his wife. What a joke. Maybe he had some issues and maybe he wasn't the best husband. Whatever. He didn't deserve to go like that and we've been robbed of his future and he'll never re-visit some of his classic fights like Ruelas, Rodriguez and Robinson. I am interested in hearing Micky's take so if anyone finds it, please pass info along.
Nice day for the Mets yesterday. Johan went Johan and they have a chance to go into the break on an upswing. Careful optimism, right JD.
Sunday Funday fellas.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
This Goes Up Before I Know Details
I don't wanna get too insightful here or I'll cry all over my wife's expensive Mac, but:
1. I rooted for Gatti in every fight he ever fought except for three
2. He always seemed humble and cool
3. He was often the show, even as the undercard
4. He lived hard and settled into life; I hope his soul is not damned
Thanks to KB and the rest of the M & MD family to bring this up. It's a sad MF day here at M & MB and our thoughts and prayers go to his family.
Goodgoddamotherfuckingbullshit. Take the cast of Oceans 13. Gimme back Gatti
RIP my man. You gave us all everything.
The End of the World as We Know It?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Mutiny on the Bounty
Today's morning host, Casey Stern (filling in for the regular host and with a job on XM MLB station) ripped Dog over the phone on the air. Now, his afternoon guys, The B-Team, just basically called him an antiquated has-been. "[Dog] is in a time warp," one of the guys said. "He should have been born in the 1940s. He wants to talk about the 1946 all-star game and he thinks the best movie ever is 'The Best Days of Our Lives.'"
Not only is Dog getting ripped by his employees/hosts on the air, but callers have generally stuck up for them too.
"I want you to fill up every line on Dog's program and tell him he's a moron. Ruin his show. Then ask him about the Quebec Nordiques," said one of the B-Team guys.
Editorial note: The Quebec Nordiques moved to Denver and became the Colorado Avalanche in 1995. Maybe Dog is onto something here.
Neil Best is on vacation, but I am here for y'all.
UPDATE: The B-Team just compared Dog to Mile Holmgren as a General Manager.
UPDATE #2: Rich Ackerman just reccomended that - in protest - nobody call into Dog's show today.
UPDATE #3: Gresh is ripping Dog now and making good points.
UPDATE #4: Mario from Minnesota just compared Dog's firing of Steve Torre to Saddam Hussein shooting a soldier in the head in front of his troops.
UPDATE #5: Maybe it was all a big publicity stunt. Dog just said he'll invite Torre back next week while Dog's on vacation and then threw Mia under the bus, saying "she stinks anyway."
Thursday, July 9, 2009
BREAKING: Erin Andrews in ball on chin action
From TMZ:
"Andrews — who serves as a sideline reporter for ESPN — was struck in the chin by a foul ball hit by New York Mets player Alex Cora during the 4th inning."
Reports are that she is just fine. Let's hope she recovers quickly, so she can resume the more normal (although illegal in Georgia) ball to chin activity.
UPDATE: Suzyn Waldman has never had a ball near her chin.
UPDATE #2: Kim Jones has.
UPDATE #3: There is a ball on Kim Jones' chin RIGHT NOW.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
All Kinds of Wrong and Some General Nitpicking
Monday, July 6, 2009
Bulls and Dogs
The lineup on WFAN this week is Adam the (wanna be Francessa) Bull today and Beningo and Roberts the rest of the week. We don't even get a Mets day game (is that a good thing or a bad thing?).
So, it was a pretty eventful long Halliday weekend. Yanks won three against the Jays (Game 4 at 1:05 pm on 880 AM), beating a top-5 pitcher in the process. If Mike were on air today, Joba to the bullben would be a hot topic after he gave up 8 runs yesterday and was bailed out by a Who Dat reliever, who's name I can't spell.
Mets looked like magic elixer for struggling teams, getting swept by the Phillies, depite throwing out their own top-5 pitcher. David Wright went 0-22 in the two series against the Yanks and Phils, including the one-out, two-on double play he hit into yesterday.
Former Titans and Ravens QB Steve McNair cheated on his wife and caught the bullet train for it. McNair is a married father of four, who (in my opinion) was under kicking his coverage with that sour-puss chick (the dude is a multi-millionaire and if he's gonna cheat on his wife, he should do it with something nicer than a Dave & Buster's waitress).
JKidd turned down the Knicks. 'Sheed is heading to the Celtics. Tiger won some stupid golf tournament.
But for those of us with Sirius...Get ready for a mind numbing dose of Roger Federer and his "epic" match against Andy Roddick yesterday morning, which took place as I was nursing a July 4th hangover. The Wimbledon championship gave him one more Grand Slam victory than Pete (I married a hottie and my game fell off the table) Sampras. Whooptee freaking doo!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The 4th
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Day Off for Mike
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Quick Hits for Discussion
- To Larry from Massapequa...Thanks, from all of us, that squirmed uncomfortably in our seats while you gushed all over Kim Jones this morning. Kim has now hired a bodyguard and entered the witness relocation program. Kudos to you stalker.
- To all Monday Morning Quarterbacking Mets Fans...Please shut up about Dunn. The Mets could've SIGNED him, not traded for him, 3 months ago. SHUT UP! I missed the clamor for the big bat in March from you idiots and I don't want to hear it in July.
- To Donnie Walsh and Mike D'Antoni...Put the name Jason Kidd out of your heads. He's a shell of his former self, a malcontent and a waste of a 3 year contract. He will get brutalized on the defensive end and is not the offensive player he once was. Live with Duhon and Nate and wait for another option. JKidd should turn off every Knick fan.
- To Me...Luis Castillo is not approximating Orlando Hudson's season. Stop trying to convince yourself that he is.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
It's Christmas in July
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A Tuesday Show
Now, what I am wondering from my fellow Mets fans out there...Since this season is very much hanging in the next few weeks, what would you do? Would you go and take on a God-awful contract like Vernon Wells? Would you give up some talent for a Dunn-type player? Would you stand pat and ready your team for a 2010 run? What is the best course of action right now?
I think the Wells idea is intriguing...If you can get him without giving up talent (young or otherwise) it may not be a terrible idea. He's overpriced, for sure, but there is a lot of money freed up in 2010 and beyond with Wagner and Delgado contracts going away. You'll probably never get equal value since the contract is so back loaded but you may be able to get a good player for nothing more than money.
They could've had Dunn in the offseason and I am furious that they let him, Burrell, Abreu and Ibanez get away. Now, I hate giving up a prospect for someone you could've had without losing talent or draft picks.
The other option is obviously packing it in this year. Let Beltran get surgery if needed, bring Reyes back when he's good and ready and let Delgado play September if he can. Come into 2010 with a healthy "core" with a few added pieces and take your chances then.
None of the options are good. Which is the least bad?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
RIP Good Jokes and the Subway Series
Friday, June 26, 2009
Mike drops ball in Donnie Walsh interview
So imagine my surprise when reported this at least two hours after Mike's interview with Mr. Walsh:
Walsh: Knicks will contact Wolves about Rubio
June 26, 2009, 4:21 PM ET
GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- The New York Knicks are curious whether Ricky Rubio will wind up in Minnesota or Spain next season, curious enough that team president Donnie Walsh was planning to contact Minnesota by the end of the day Friday. "There is such a thing as drafting assets. I don't know if that is what he's doing," Walsh said of new Timberwolves general manager David Kahn.
Not once did Mike ask either Mssrs. Walsh or Thorn about any interest in post-draft trades.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Rhinestone Glove, Stupid Bracelets and Baseball
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Rough day for Girardi, Jeter, A-Rod and Cashman
Both seem to agree that A-Rod isn't 100% and that Jeter is hitting into too many double plays (53 since opening day 2007, according to Dog). Neither Mike nor Dog have much sympathy for Girardi and think Joe Torre would have the Yanks playing better. Joe Torre to be on Mad Dog Unleashed later today.
Yanks have the same record, 38-32, as the SF Giants despite more than double the payroll. Dog wouldn't trade Lincicum for Walter Johnson (who died in 1946), or for Johan Santana, David Wright AND Jose Reyes.
Mike and Dog have both turned up the heat on Girardi...
Friday, June 19, 2009
For Father's Day:Ramblings from Daddy Dog, AKA Tony Russo
He isn't as "sharp as he usually" is...
And does not answer the phone when he should despite getting paid.
Mike ain't steamed, he's BBQ'd
"Who takes credit for this mess?"
"The Yankees mailed in this series!"
"Girardi gets no effort out of this team, and I'll ask him about it at 5:00" (note the plug)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Mike is STEAMED!!!
Yesterday Re-Cap and Today's Opening
As far as today's opening is concerned...
Me: What's NYY line?
Book: -330
Me: Nats 20x please
Book: Sure you don't want 40x? Francesa just locked it up for you.
Me: Later
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
On this day...
Raise your hand if you were watching the Knicks vs. Rockets in the NBA finals when they cut in to follow OJ down the freeway.
Ancient History v. David Wright
It really makes you realize that Texeira scoring from 1st the other night, with $180MM contract and slow legs all the more impressive. The fact that Beltran never even came close to scoring on essentially the same play is all the more pathetic.
I really hope this doesn't get lost in the throes of a win BUT Wright dogged it out of the box TWICE last night. Each time, Gary and Keith glossed over it completely. Beltran got outrun by Texeira and the Mets got lucky to put one in the "W" column.
Look, Jerry Manuel is a godawful manager...One of the worst ever, I'd say, and this is absolutely his last shot at a managing position on this level. Why not publicly bench Wright? In light of all that transpired over the weekend, why not take a stand? I am not one that thinks chemistry or unity wins games or anything but what Wright and Beltran did last night could lose games. I love Wright as much as the next Mets fan. I defend him vociferously and realize his value as a baseball player. This year, however, he's shown spots where running has been unimportant or too important as he's shown a habit of making outs on the bases.
I hope Mike and the Mets fans don't miss this point today. I certainly hope Manuel and Wright don't miss it either.
This spot was so entertaining because hearing Artie Lange fire f-bomb after f-bomb at the prudish Russo was amusing. Chris, for his part, never cursed. But he stood in there amongst comments like, "how's that motherfucker!?" and argued with Lange about the necessity of the language on HBO. Russo didn't win this argument in the long run, but he did expose Lange as an overeager opportunist. And Lange for his part contradicted himself at times. But Lange got to the heart of Russo's naivete. Whether it's the clean language or the fact that he doesn't understand the handshakes in showbusiness, Russo is in essence a child. He will always be that enthusiastic kid that loves sports and gets excited by it.
Artie Lange did compare himself to Lenny Bruce, which is fair. It is surprising to see all this hubbub about his off-color appearance on Buck's show. Maybe he was funny, maybe he wasn't. But why are people put off by this stuff? It's nothing that hasn't been said before.
At any rate, enjoy the interview. I was a little late in hitting record, so you miss the first few minutes of the interview. But you get the picture.
Let me know if it doesn't work. If not, it is embedded on the right side of the page below contributors.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dog's top 10 NBA players
In his order:
Big O
Wilt the Stilt
Elgin Baylor
Apparently last night Kobe snuck into the top 10 ahead of Dr. J, Olajuwan, Tim Duncan, Mallone, Stockton, Shaq, Havlicheck, Pistol Pete, George Mikan...and Derrick Coleman.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Burney vs K-Rod
Anyway, today's game will be the opening segment for both Mike and Dog, so I hope your are all watching. Meanwile the Stanley Cup Final Game 7 was awesome and Cotto fight rocked...But we won't be hearing about either on Monday.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Subway Series and the Idiots in Charge
Joe Girardi and Jerry Manuel - The "New" Idiots
I was in a big hurry as a Mets fan to jettison Willie. I thought it was a bad hire and was happy to see him go. Jerry was a welcome change. My patience and the patience of all Mets fans is growing thin. A sac bunt in the 2nd last night? With Redding on the mound? Against Jamie Moyer? It's like hitting on 18 against a 7. Just when you think he's maximized his stupidity he pushes against all odds and hits a new level.
Girardi is no better...I am no Yankee fan so I need to hear from Loki and the other Texeira jersey wearing, A-Rod booing boys out there. How has Girardi screwed your season?
Now, what will Mike's take be on this weeks respective debacles? He will point to the Mets and their overall lack of clutchness. He'll discuss the merits of having 2 MVP's playing in the same infield with an obvious MVP type year from the left fielder and why this bodes poorly for the Mets in the coming months. He'll definitely touch on the Yankees bullpen deficiencies and the emergence of Youk as the best player since Bonds retired.
It's a grim day for NY baseball fans and Mike will do all he can to keep that fire raging. He'll promise hard interviews for "The New Idiots" but let's see if he delivers.
For me, I just pray that the Mets can squeak out a win this weekend. A sweep is gonna be tough to take.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Calling All Bloggers
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Where Will Mike Start?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Remotes Remotes Remotes
1. If it's a Met or Yankee remote at either of their ballpark, you never get the guests to sit beside you. Instead they talk to you from the clubhouse, making your existence pointless.
2. You are typically given the most dreary looking backdrops imaginable. Anyone remember Mike's remote at the start of last football season from Jets camp the first day Favre reported? Mikey was broadcasting from the woods.
3. You rarely take calls. I'm sorry but there's only so many guest interviews where you are answering your own questions that I can take.
4. You typically encounter some sort of technical difficulties or simply show up late for your own show. Exhibit A: The Bar A Audition Disaster that shall never be spoken of again.
So with all these things going against you, why in the world are you so happy to announce all of these remotes? Do you think people make sure to plan their listening experience around the fact that you are going to be on location somewhere? The only reason it's at all entertaining to tune in to these shows is because something will go wrong with your microphone and you will flip out on the tech guys on air. I just can't go too crazy about WFAN Remotes.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bizarre – Francesa has been using this a lot recently, especially after the Mets win a game. Using 'bizarre' is his way of diminishing the Mets, but it also is an admission that he is at a loss for words at how they can defy him.
I understand – I don’t remember this as much when Dog was around. He must use this because he has no partner to argue with him. So he has to create a phantom debater, eg. "I understand the economy is bad." The usage is very similar to ‘this whole idea’ or 'the whole notion'(See the glossary on the right for 'whole notion' definition).
No question - When Mike asks a question of an interview subject, then answers it himself, then waits for subject to agree and finishes with "no question" cementing the fact that there indeed was no question ever asked ("absolutely" is another form of "no question")
Canonize - This term is applied to the Mets solely when they are high on a young prospect - as in "the Mets canonized Murphy". However, this term will never be applied to the Yanks. You will never hear "the Yanks canonized Hughes and Kennedy."
Folks - Folks is used to address the callers and listeners of Mike'd Up. If you listen closely the way mike says it, it sort of has a condescending tone to it.
Gamer - These are guys Mike would go to war with any day and divorce Roe for in a heartbeat...Youk, Jeter, the entire Phillies offense, etc. Sorry. No Mets allowed.
We welcome more entries into the updated Francesa lexicon.
(Editors note: This is a joint joint between FTLT and gman26)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Francesa Cleansing
Friday, May 22, 2009
'stand tall', 'crawling', 'swept aside', 'hammered', 'on the shelf','big thumpers', 'thunderbats', 'bloom is off the rose', 'full to the brim', 'red carpet invitation in solid gold', 'take him for a spin', 'double him to death', 'three ring circus'
I'm not saying he's Oscar Wilde or anything, but the fact of the matter is that he's very good at painting a picture of the day in sports. Sometimes that picture is a little crooked and potentially fraudulent. But it is interesting to look at nonetheless.
Please add any other turns of phrase uttered by the Pope of Letters today.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
New Starts
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Chris: Anddddd Gooood Afternooon Everybody on this beautiful May day. ROW in
Mike: Fine.
Chris: Well Mike lots to talk about today. The Mets continue to be an enigma. You want to get excited about the
Yanks? Okay, but can they play a few good teams first? Where do you want to start Mike?
Mike: Wherever.
Chris: This idea that the Orlando Magic could win this series.
Mike: Dog, we got to start with the finale of American Idol.
Chris: Excellent point Mike!
Mike: Listen, they put on a great show last night, with Rod Stewart and Queen and Lionel and...
Chris: Ahh could ya please with the cursing Fergie? Come on.
Mike: Ryan, as always, does a great job hosting.
Chris: Excellent job Mike, excellent job.
Mike: Folks, if you think that Kris Allen is our American Idol then you're kidding yourself. Now I understand
Mike: Listen folks, before we canonize Kris Allen, remember these guys who have fundamental flaws like Reuben Studdard and David Cook. Adam should have won this thing. And then we have to listen to the new golden boy sing that awful song that Kara wrote.
Chris: Pipe down Kara. Timmy could write a better song than that. And another thing Mike, do I need these girls running around naked on stage? I mean could ya please? I got Jeannie and the kids watching and I got these girls with nothing on.
Mike: Kris Allen cannot beat Adam Lambert. I'm sorry folks but that just can't happen. But listen FOX did a nice job with the show. Roe and I got a kick out of it. And listen they did a nice job with the broadcast so I'm not going to kill them, but how in the world do we NOT hear from the judges after the results! I mean COME ON FOX!!!! How do I not hear from Simon Cowell what he thought! Where's the postgame show?
Chris: Excellent point Mike. Excellent point.
Mike: I mean c'mon FOX! And listen I know Simon has been on a nice run, but how does he NOT come out to argue that CALL!!! Folks, they didn't just take a point off the board here, they robbed Lambert. How does Simon not protect his guy!!!! And there are reports of individuals making up to 100 text votes by themselves? If Fox doesn't clean up this competition, then it's going to be as relevant as the NHL. I already have to put up with Matt Vasgersian and Jeannie Zelasko. Now I have to put up with a voting system that is corrupt?
My Blog List
And Now, A Note From Brian Powell14 years ago
Player Profile: Joe Lopez14 years ago
Hello world!8 months ago
Hand Surgeon Conditions for Surgery12 years ago
We Moved to Catch Up With Us!10 years ago
Blog Archive
- NY baseball is like the McDLT
- Your Anus
- Joba Chamberlain - A Daring Fellow
- Joe Morgan - Still Dumb
- In Summary....
- Touch of Gray
- Complain about Suzyn Waldman's balls and she'll sh...
- Let's face it...the Mets stink!
- New topic du jour...
- Baseball Discussions to Round out the 2009 Regular...
- Fans, Fans, Fans; Good Fans, Bad Fans and Electric...
- I got F'king octopuss coming out my F'king ears Mang.
- Eli, Tiger and Cano...Maybe some Pedro
- First Time in a Long Time
- Big Papi has a bridge he'd like to sell you...
- Now, Real Baseball Begins
- Tim McCarver on Mad Dog Unleashed
- Dog: Giants overpaid for Eli Manning
- Requiem for a Team
- Blackout
- The Sissification of NY Sports Fans and Omar's Slu...
- REALITY CHECK(for the MMB mothafuckas)
- Man Rammer and Big Sloppy on "The List"
- Pete Fornatale's Woodstock top 5
- Who kidnapped Mike?
- The Bore that is Bernazard
- Joe Posnanski: My Top 100 Players
- Talk Show Host - Mad Dog Radio
- Mets passed on Halliday???????????????????????
- Mike wants Halliday on the Mets, NOT the Yanks
- I'm bored, so let's start a debate
- Pair of Aces
- KBilly Gets Some Play
- Back to baseball
- All-Star Game hit pool
- Worst Sports Week of the Year?
- A Swoon?
- This Goes Up Before I Know Details
- The End of the World as We Know It?
- Mutiny on the Bounty
- BREAKING: Erin Andrews in ball on chin action
- All Kinds of Wrong and Some General Nitpicking
- Bulls and Dogs
- The 4th
- A Day Off for Mike
- Quick Hits for Discussion
- It's Christmas in July
- A Tuesday Show
- RIP Good Jokes and the Subway Series
- Mike drops ball in Donnie Walsh interview
- Rhinestone Glove, Stupid Bracelets and Baseball
- Rough day for Girardi, Jeter, A-Rod and Cashman
- For Father's Day:Ramblings from Daddy Dog, AKA Ton...
- Mike ain't steamed, he's BBQ'd
- Mike is STEAMED!!!
- Yesterday Re-Cap and Today's Opening
- On this day...
- Ancient History v. David Wright
- Dog's top 10 NBA players
- Burney vs K-Rod
- Redemption
- Luis Castillo...MVP?
- Subway Series and the Idiots in Charge
- Calling All Bloggers
- Where Will Mike Start?
- Remotes Remotes Remotes
- Me Getting Mike to Admit He Was Wrong About Tampa
- My Guest Spot With Chris Russo
- Body Language Expert Analyzes Mike and Chris
- The Mike and the Mad Dog Bucket List
- Our Exclusive Interview with Neil Best of Newsday
- Francesa Nears Deal with Arroyo
- The Riveting Jon Heyman
- Mike and Chris Breakdown Wilt's 100 point game
- Mike and the Mad Dog vs Bill Simmons
- Animal Welfare on the FAN
- Please Shoot Me: An Entire Day at Belmont
- Mike and Chris Analyze American Idol Finale
- Top Ten Signs It's a Slow Day for MMD
- Why do we like them so much?
- Summer Reading List by Mike and Chris
- WWCJS (What would Colonel Jessep Say)
- Russo's Fidgeting and Francesa's Scribbling
- A Review of the Done Report
The Stinks List
Kevin Gregg (7/7/08)
Phillies starting pitching (7/8/08)
Joe Blanton (7/28/08, 8/4/08)
Duaner Sanchez (7/28/08)
Ross Ohlendorf (7/28/08)
Sidney Ponson (7/29/08)
San Diego Padres (8/4/08)
Brewers bullpen (9/4/08) SIRIUS/XM
Gino Costa (1/7/09) SIRIUS XM
*This list was started on 7/7/08. Any submissions before that will not be counted. If you hear a player get added to this list, please let us know at
Mad Dog.wav
Mike and the Mad Dog Glossary
Let's be fair here: Russo's counter-argument to callers that attack someone ("Let's be fair here. If you are going to knock Rick Peterson, you gotta give him credit for John Maine")
This whole notion: When Francesa or Russo declares something to be fact when in actuality, they are making it up themselves ("This whole notion that Mike D'Antoni is going to make the Knicks a playoff team is a joke")
Pipe Down: Russo's way of telling a player to shut up ("Pipe down there Figueroa")
Tough Spot: This is usually a negative. 'Tough spot. Aaron Heilman. Can't trust him.' They rarely say, "I really like Chauncey Billups in a tough spot." Even though Mike and Dog don't trust a lot of athletes in a tough spot, you can earn your way out of this label. For example, they couldn't trust Eli Manning in a tough spot until the Super Bowl. Now he can basically retire and still be a legend. He proved he can perform in a tough spot. This phrase is used by both Mike and Dog.
Tricky Spot: This really means an awkward position. For example, Ian Eagle running into Marv Albert at the Garden. Or I'm sure that the Giants last game of the 2007 was a tricky spot. "Coughlin wants to get ready for the postseason but you have to try to end the Patriots' undefeated season. Tricky spot, Mike." And for clarification. This phrase is used primarily by Russo.
Timmy: Russo's son. ("I mean, let's be fair here Mike, Timmy can throw harder than Igawa")
Say Something Funny Mike (When Russo can't control himself and breaks out into laughter and tries to egg Francesa on to keep it going. Picture Russo hysterically laughing followed by "Say Something Funny Mike")
First time, long time (this term is announced by a fan calling to the show, who has been a long time listener of the show, but is making his first ever call in - hence, first time (caller), long time (listener)
I can't go too crazy - This is a Mad Dog special. Dog uses this phrase to throw cold water on enthusiastic callers("I can't go too crazy about the D-Rays in May. Talk to me in September.") or admit that he doesn't have strong feelings about a subject("I can't go too crazy about the Olympic torch protesters.").
I'm not a big believer in: This is mainly a Mike comment. It means he doesn't have much confidence in something. And just like other comments, this is mainly used in negative, eg. 'I'm not a big believer in starting someone on 3 days rest.'
The whole bit - Russo's phrase when he is alone and wants to keep the conversation moving along. Without Mike there to add any details, Russo will use 'the whole bit' to sum up a person or issue. 'Selig will make it into the Hall of Fame. Steroids, the whole bit.'
Mike and the Mad Dog Photos

One of the more uncomfortable shots you will ever see of them
Mike and the Mad Dog Photos

On Location (yes, the show does sometimes travel forcing the duo to sit awkwardly next to each other)
Chris Russo

Russo going off on Pacman Jones, one of the classic rants in show history (see Video section for link)
Mike and the Dog Photos

Posed (notice Francesa has to be slightly more upfront and center)
Mike and the Dog Photos

At work (the traditional YES split screen - Dog on the left, Francesa on the right)