Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A-Rod Press Conference, Day of Reckoniiiiiiiiiiiii


Sorry, fell asleep on my laptop writing that flashy headline.

Chime in with highlights if you can stay awake.



gman26 said...

I saw Sweeny Murty in the live shot waiting.

Anonymous said...

Someone please keep this updated. Won't be able to watch.

Lisa said...

He needs to get an acting coach.

Anonymous said...

you missed another classic mike today....i'll give u the run down...see if anyone talked about it....

after the a-rod conference mike has his 10 min. solo or whatever....

then he starts taking calls...

so a caller comes on, and he's making his point, and somehow the question of age came up, and the caller was adament that a-rod is 34, and in 2003 was like 27.....

mike got all aggrivated and is like, im telling you he wasnt he was 23 or 24, there's no way he was 27 ...like going off and giving the caller tons of attitude...he was like 'so what your telling me a-rod is 34 now ?! c'mon get off the phone, he's only 31...there's no way he's 34 get your facts straight before you call blah blah!"

then after he hangs up on the caller, he talks to one of his producers, and is like what are you guys patching through here, no one here knows their facts blah blah....

so as he's taking other calls, i check the internet real quick and sure enough a-rod was born in 1975, making him 34 this year and he would have been 27-28 in 2003, which meant the caller was right....i was ITCHING to call the station....

so then a couple callers later, another caller comes on and before he made his point he goes to mike, hey mike a-rod is 33 now, so mike's response is "yea whatever 33, 32, 31...couple years whatever"....LOL what a FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!! he didnt want to admit he was wrong and that the first caller was right!!! oh my god....

i just realized why i listen to mike, its like watching a car wreck, its sooooo embarassing for him, and its like the hatred is so much you almost have to watch!

Whatdoyouhave? said...

Couldn't agree more Anon. That is classic Mike