Wednesday, April 1, 2009


i am about to do something i have not done in a very long time... POST

i have not listened to the show, watched it on YES, or very often thought about it outside of the times that I read our little blog here. As I read the comments recently i am beginning to get a sense that a little rivalry is actually developing. It's sort of the same way that people might look at a rivalry of the Yankees and the Rays. Everyone would say that there was no rivalry, especially not til August, and then you look up and the Rays are in first place and the Yankees, well they are not.

Could the same happen with Mike Francesa and Michael Kay? It seems from reading the comments that more and more people are tuning to Mr Kay and leaving the Big Fella behind. While Francesa will rant and rave that Michael Kay is not a pimple on his fanny, could that pimple be developing into a full on, can't go out in public, have to deal with cold sore?

I have rarely listened to Michael Kay, but my distaste for the ESPN talent that he has on the air most of the time keeps me away from the show but I equally detest the ego that is Francesa.

Is there a rivalry developing? Is it a sad state of affairs that Chris Russo is not even in this conversation?


Anonymous said...

"You're a lousy f*cking blogger, Sam!"

The Big Fella still reigns supreme, in my eyes. The Michael Kay show, to me, is a 4 hour infomercial on ESPN programming and ESPN personalities. In addition, he employs Donnie Pucks and ends the show with a lame-o Billy Joel quote. So, it's not like the Big Fella has a lot of competition.

gman26 said...

After some of the pro-Kay talk I hear on this site, I decided to give him a listen. For about 5 minutes. A day after he had reportedly debated the Yankee order ad nauseum, he was still at it. Sorry. There's only so much talk about the Yankee batting order I can take.

First Time, Long Time said...

what awesome sean said.

Anonymous said...

I listen to the Dog every day and his show is more fun, more upbeat and more entertaining. There's no mention of him here because everyone is too cheap to get XM/Serius. So therefore you have no alternative to the fat man.

gman26 said...

Anon - I have XM and I listen to Dog quite often. Although he can be more entertaining, watching a car wreck can be entertaining as well. And I think that's what Francesa is right now. Or maybe he's more like a wounded dog on the ground. Growling every time you get too close to it.

Loki said...

I really cannot see Francesa's show as entertainment. Maybe at some points where he really gets into arguements, but most of the time it is extremely aggravating.

I will admit that there is nothing special about Kay, but I have to switch between them or else my head will explode from the frustration...

Brian said...

I listen to Dog quite often too, but I gotta say that the past couple of months have been pretty rough. He has to appeal to a national audience which means there's a lot of college basketball, NBA, and hockey. Stuff that we don't really care about here in New York, at least not until the Knicks get Lebron. He did two weeks where he went to different spring training camps and interviewed different players and coaches which I really didn't care about, but that's what you gotta do when you have a national audience.

I liked him during the NFL season and I think he'll be a lot better once the baseball season starts.

brian12566 said...

I agree with Awesome Sean about Kay being an infomercial for other ESPN shows. The cross promotion is a bit much. Now, they have the Around the Herd during Kay's show? Come on ESPN, one show at a time. Have some guests on that are not paid to be there. "Here is ESPN'S own...{insert guest name here}"